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Kamis, 17 Desember 2015


The eyes normally looked a flower
Flashing without screaming
Those wind so clever
And the snake start a bombing

it begun a a flying butterfly
A horse indicated a running

Rabu, 28 Januari 2015


Abstract: Mass media is not only a channel to deliver or information to people. It is not only deliver messages or information but also is a channel to build a special image about the world, such as the image of students. Electronic cinemas create it in their messages. Most of them show student with different behavior they should do especially in the case of electronic cinema Ganteng-ganteng Serigala. This case is a part of popular culture or mass culture because it could be a stereotype standard value. Electronic cinema has a connection with popular culture. It is a reflection of popular culture and it is a branch of popular culture.

Dominic Strinati said that mass culture is a culture that is resulted from industrial techniques of mass production with expecting profit from mass public customers. It means there is less space for any culture which cannot make money (2004:10). The image of students was constructed with techniques of mass production. Possessor, in this case owner of the capital has an effort to create a new image of the world. He creates students with the deviation of ethics. We can see that it construct a false consciousness in society.
Electronic cinema has a connection each other. It reflects a popular culture and it constructs a popular culture. Beside that electronic cinema help mass media in constructing students trough images present in electronic cinema. It means that what people see in electronic cinema Ganteng-ganteng serigala was not real but it just the construction of a new image about the students which is not appropriate with the students reality or what students should do.


ketika sebuah kesadaran telah dikurung.
akankah sebuah pertanyaan akan terjawab.
akankah sebuah jawaban muncul di atas awan.
ketika semua fikiran tercurahkan dalam sebuah permainan.
arahan kiri lah yang mengarahkan sebuah perjalanan.
karena kendaraan kehidupan tersebut tidak memiliki arah dan tujuan.
ketika komunikasi tidak lagi menjadi bukti.
melainkan curahan hati yang telah lama tersesat.
mungkinkah kedua sisi mata uang dapat terlihat.
saat salah satu indra mulai mati.
saat rasa telah menjadi topeng.
saat itulah sebuah cahaya tidak akan pernah lagi ada.