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Minggu, 08 Juli 2012


Everybody has produced pollution in their daily activity. There are several kinds of pollution such as; air pollution, water pollution etc. In fact, it was a problem that pollution always bothering our life whether they aware about it or not. Pollution looks like very complicated to be disappeared but we always attempt to reduce the production of pollution. Many countries take very much attention to decrease it even though in the reality, it was very difficult and become one of big problems in this world.  In some other countries, it seems, lack of attention from the government because there are not responsibilities from them to take an attention about it.  In my country it should be required to take an attention in this problem especially in water pollution.
Every pollution is always become a frightening problem, including water pollution. Some of people do not know the dangerous of water pollution for their life. They often throw the garbage to the rivers or seas whereas the effect is very big. The effects are not only for short-term effects but also for long-term effects. I saw people when they were throwing their rubbish to the river in my town. They did not care about the effects of their behavior. In the short-term effects it causes some diseases like skin irritation. It can make a problem if it does not only attack one of people but also if it attacks many of civilians around my town. It disturbs their activity absolutely. In the long-term effects it can causes some of disasters, for instance flood. If it is happened, it will be harm all of people in my town. It may makes civilians loss not only their financial but also their family because of the disasters they make. We can look from disaster before that it happens because of a simple mistake we do. It may make our world future very dark.
Of course, some of people can think clearly about this problem. They will consider with their behavior included about pollution. Many of people were very aware about this. They give an example to the others with throwing their garbage to the bins that they can separate it. If the garbage can be used again, they will throw to the recycle bin. It will be very useful because we do not add amount of rubbish in this world. It will reduce throwing the rubbish to the rivers or seas.  It also safe sea life because some of countries depend on the production of their sea like my country that rely on the production of the sea. It will keep the beautiful of the sea. It can safe our environment too, not only in my country but also in this world. We have to keep the stability of our earth for the next generation. Government should be appreciated to the people who take an attention and aware with the effects of pollution because it is needed and very important.
No matter how small the rubbish we throw. There is really no reason to let pollution appear in this world. You just have to realize that pollution is a big problem. You ought to know that take an attention to our environment is very important. You have to consider with our world future because the next generation future in our hand now. Our awareness should be number one.

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