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Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

last essay assingment

Life is struggle that we try to get the destination we want. We attempt to make our life better than before. Everybody has a chance to make it real but we need a push to achieve it. We usually call it motivation that inspires us to do something good.  Motivation is an influence which comes from internal or external factors that forces us into action. Internal factors appear when people are compelled to do something of pleasure, importance or desire.  It comes inside of you, when you are intrinsically motivated, you enjoy an activity, course or skill development directly for the satisfaction of learning and having fun, and you are determined to improve your skill in order to be competent. Different from internal factors, external factors refers to the performance of an activity in order to achieve outcome. This type of motivation is everywhere and frequently used within society throughout your lifetime. When you are motivated to behave, achieve, learn or do based on a highly regarded outcome, rather than for the fun, development or learning provided within an experience, you are being extrinsically motivated. For those explanations, I have some experiences which inspired me to be better in life.
First of all my experiences began when I was in senior high school. I actually did not know anything about life. I was looking for fun at that time. I became a student who practices hedonism automatically. I never realized that my life was a mistake.  My friends went through a period of their life same with me. It was a bad behavior for us. We just thought about having fun. It became usual for us in school absenteeism. We went to some places that we did not think our education at that time. We never knew that our life will influence in our future. I was so shy when I met my class-mate who always comes to school. He asked me why I did not come to the class but I answered, it was usual for me.  I was not aware that it was wrong. I was thinking what I had done was true until one day I felt bored with my activities. I tried to make my life better but my friends had bigger influences in my life and it was difficult for me to change my life. I did it until I graduated for senior high school but my motivations come after that. It started with my mother.  I actually did not want to continue my education life because I wanted to earn some money by myself with work but my mother always supported me that I had to continue my education  She said that knowledge is very important because if I had knowledge, money would come to me automatically. It changed my thinking about life and education. I got new spirit of life. I got new lessons from my mother and she always motivated me that I could do anything that gives me advantages in life. Thus, I thought that I must have done something right in my life.
I felt that my life so changing. I followed state Islamic university of Malang entrance examination and firstly I could not realize that I passed it but I lost my spirit when I became a student of Islamic state university of Malang. I just thought that I had to do something right. In the first year as a new student, I had to stay in the university dormitory. A new environment came to my life, I got new friends that they were different from my friends before. They had different characteristics and they came with different knowledges. I could learn about life from them because some of my friends had different ages. A friend said to me that the most important thing in this life is responsibility, even though we made a fault, we did not have to regret it but we had to pay it back with other things. I never thought it before. It made me feel that I have to keep doing something good although my past was very bad and I had to be responsible with my life. Back to my education life, I started with good self-confidence. I passed my behavior before but in the journey of my education I got new problems. Like I said before I met new friends with different characteristics. I met someone who suffered game fever. We often played game in the night and sleep deprivation came to my life. I lost my rest in the night just for playing game. Lack of sleep was bothering my education. Absenteeism became a behavior again for me. Sometimes I did not come to the class because I slept in the morning and it was an effect of my sleep deprivation. I felt so stupid at that time because my examination result was very bad but my friend said to me that it was not late yet. He said that I must have a goal in this life and just believe that I can reach it. He also said that I have many times to change my life and I have to remember about responsibility. It is a basic foundation that life always has relation with responsibility.
From my experiences, I hope you can realize that never think to be the best but think to do the best for your life. You must have done something right. Even though we have mistakes in the past, we do not have to regret it but we have to make it as a lesson that we have to be responsible in everything we do.  Try to achieve your dream and just believe that you can do it.

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