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Jumat, 20 April 2012

argumentative paragraph

Writting Class

             Joining writing class is usual for English students, especially me as a English student but I have to take this lesson because writing must be taken in the journey of studying English at state Islamic university of Malang. Writing is about writer’s skills in producing some information to the readers.  I like joining writing class because I can realize my ability to apply the rule of the language and transferring the information I have in my mind to the readers effectively. The ability I have includes all the correct grammatical aspects of the language. As a result I get two important points in learning English, not only in writing but also in structure. I must study hard if I want to improve my skills and I am sure that I am able to pass this lesson with a good grade. I believe, as far I get the basic course of writing in last semester. I expect to be a good writer when I take writing class in this semester. So, the information in my writing can be understood easily by the readers.

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