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Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Narrative essay

Experience is an unforgettable moment we have when we were at some places. It can be good or bad moments1. It can be either happiness moments or frightened moments2. People usually use this moments become a story to their friends or their family3. Experience also can be a lesson if it is a bad moment. Bad moments can be meant eitherwhen we have some mistakes in the past, mistakes that we can learn to be better than before and make it as the beginning of our successful5 or can be meant ashamed moment we get in our daily activity4.Frightened moments also included in bad moment. As an organizer I have a bad moment when I become a new member of my first organization (UNIOR) on my campus.
Every organization has a way to introduce their organization to new members includedUnior.Unioras a sport organization and other organizations have the way to recruit some new members. My experience started when I registered to Unior and I chose basketball. Become a member of Unior, I had to pass several steps such as; interview test, skill test, and following a camp. In the interview test, I got some question about the reason why I want to be a member of Unior and what I will give to Unior6. I passed it easily because I really want to be an organizer and an athlete. As a sport organization, Uniorrequired the registrant had skills in sport. Next day, In the skill test, I had to pass some basic tests of basketball like; dribble, passing and shooting. It was very easy too because I had played basketball since I was in the senior high school. I very enjoyed following this test because basketball was my hobby.
After that, I had to follow a camp which I got a bad experience there. All started when I forgot some assignments given by the senior. I prepared the commodities well when I went to the campus and I felt I brought all of the commodities I need7, the commodities such as; shoes, uniform, summary about organization, some foods, etc. I was very excited but I did not know that I miss something. I was very happy because I thought we would go to refreshing but it was fault. We did not go for refreshing but we went for training in organization. There we had to follow all the instructions from seniors. If we made a mistake, we got some punishments. Not only made a mistake but also did not follow the instructions would got punishments8. I remembered that I forgot my assignments, my senior called me and all eyes on me9. I was very shy because of my forgetfulness. I got a punishment running for kilometers alone. I was very tired because of that but I must follow another agenda and I got other punishments too. That was my unforgettable moments I have as an organizer on my campus.
I hope you can realize that if you want to do something good, you must prepare it well. Because a mistake can be meant losing everything10. So you have to do the best thing that you can do in everything whether it is simple thing or not11.

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